Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI Celebrates First Mass as Pope

Beginning at 9:00 a.m. CET (3:00 a.m. EDT), Pope Benedict XVI celebrated his first Mass as Supreme Pontiff in the Sistine Chapel with the College of Cardinals who elected him. During his homily, he called on the Church and all Catholics to pursue ecumenism and continue an open dialog with other relgions. He delivered the homily in Latin. The following are some excerpts from my unofficial transcription of the CNN translation of Latin into English. The official full text of the homily will hopefully be available later this morning. We'll let you know as soon as we get it. In the meantime, this will have to suffice.

(UPDATE 4/21: The Vatican has still not posted the official translation to their website, but thanks go out to Manuel Quezon, who pointed out in the comments section that Inside the Vatican has a complete English translation.)

There needs to be a purification of memory, something John Paul II called for so many times, which can only predispose ourselves to the Truth of Christ. Each one of us must be fully aware that the time will come when we will have to account for what we have done or not done in the light of the great gift that He has given to us, through his disciples.


This Successor of Peter would like to say that he will do all that is in his power to promote the fundamental cause of ecumenism. Following his predecessor, he will promote contacts and understandings of the various Christian communities. To them, I also send on this occasion, the most cordial greetings of Christ who is the Lord of all.


I turn to the unforgettable memory of the experience of the death and requiem funeral of John Paul II, my predecessor. I turn to his mortal remains, now buried in the earth. He was called head of the nations. The whole world looked to him with trust. It seemed to many people that his participation in many countries and commitment to social problems in life, seemed to make himself a part of all of humanity.


Now the Church must be asking itself questions about its future. The Church must revive itself of the full task of presenting the Words of Him so that we will not walk in darkness, but have life. In undertaking the new ministry, the new Pope knows that his task is to make the Light of Christ shine before men and women of the world. Not his own light, but the Light of Christ.


On ecumenism: We will not spare our forces to pursue the dialogs opened by my predecessor. With mutual understandings, we will lay down a foundation for a better future.


"Remain with us, oh Lord." This was the dominant theme of the apostolic letter of John Paul II on the Eucharist. And at this time, when I begin the ministry to which Christ has called me — Remain with me, oh Lord. As Peter, I also renew in Him my promise of total faithfulness. He alone do I intend to serve, totally dedicated to the service of His Church. And in support of this promise, I ask for the eternal intercession of the Most Holy Mother, in whom I place the future of the Church. May she intercede with Peter, the apostles, and all the saints. With these thoughts, I impart to you, my dear brothers and sisters, and to those who are participating in this service on television, I would like to give you a special blessing. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The conclusion of the homily was greeted with applause by the College of Cardinals.


Michel G said...

Signification supposée du nom du pape Benoît XVI - Josef Ratzinger est né en Bavière un 16 avril - Saint Benoît-Joseph LABRE mort un 16 avril et fêté le 16 Avril !!!

16 + 16 Avril + Josef Ratzinger + saint Benoît-Joseph => Benoît XVI

Anonymous said...

Good Lord this man is eloquent. I'm having a hard time, as an unbeliever, holding him at arm's length.

Anonymous said...

I love him already. I wish his disgruntled (and oh-so-vocal) critics would give him a break, pray for him, and listen to what he has to teach us.

Anonymous said...

I love him too. I am extremely happy that the church has been able to follow up the great John Paul with another very devout man who will keep the faith. God Bless Pope Benedict XVI.

Anonymous said...

The full text of the message can be found at:

Anonymous said...

I was very impressed by the homily, I believe he will give strong steady faithful leadership to us in the sprit of John Paul II.
Iam grateful for our new pope.