Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Pope to Actor who Portrays Him: "You're Crazy"

Pope John Paul II met Polish actor Piotr Adamczyk, who portrays the Pontiff in Karol Wojtyla: The Story Of A Man Who Became Pope, the new two-part movie made for Italian television.

According to BBC News:
"You're crazy to make a film about me. What did I ever do?" he said.

The actor admitted to being lost for words when he met the pontiff. [...]

The film begins in Poland with the Pope as a 10-year-old boy, and culminates with his election in 1978.

Read more: 'You're crazy', Pope tells actor


Anonymous said...

I´m not a radical or extremist christian at all, and in fact, I have several non religious friends that I know that suport abortion. But, in fact, I was shocked wen I found that the presumed liberal presidential candidate John Kerry is a well known suporter of abortion, without any restrictions, and claims to be a catholic, probably because in such an hypocrit country as USA isn´t "politically correct" not to be a religious polititian. I also read that some catholic bishop said that he would denyed him the communion, if he was elected.
Time to reflect by now. It´s easy to see that abortion is a very polemical issue nowdays, not only concerning the Catholic Church but all Humankind, and it as to do with the defense of Human Life, since it really begins. In Europe and around the world, it´s usually the non religious left (and right) people that suport his total legalization. In USA there isn´t a laical left, there exist religious references in several institutions, and the President swears for God. Wen I think in all the work that the Catholic Church as done in defense of human life, and that in the past, many great christians were excomunicated for nowdays trivial subjects, I´m amazed with the conter-evolution of the Church. What kind is Church is that that doens´t condemns totally religious hipocrisy, instead of it, promotes her ?
Charles Maurras was excomunicated in the past for political reasons, and I think that the Catholic Church will prove that it´s against all sort of hipocrisy, if she excomunicates all the fake catholics and order to all the catholics of USA and other countrys to opose laws that allow, in any circunstance, such an abject crime. I know that the some of the last democrats from the USA who openly oposed abortion (whitoout being in restricted cases) were Rev. Jesse Jackson, the most leftist liberal that I remember, and the late Pensylvannia Governor, Robert Casey.
I think it´s enough time for the Catholic Church suported the ban of religious swearing in american Court Houses and for political reasons, to fight all sorts of religious hipocrisy and the descrimination of non religious persons, who have to swear for things that they don´t believe.
I´m also shure that if the Church excomunicates John Kerry and Rudolph Giuliani (who only is a "catholic" because is from italian origin), and other religious fakes, will give a great moral example to the world.
I´m not a very conservative person, and I think that the pope is a great historical figure, altough he misses some authority nowdays.

P.S. - I´m from Portugal, not from USA, and I didn´t supported the american invasion of Iraq, and I´m not definetely a suporter of Pres. Bush, but I have to admite that, even a mediocre, he´s not a religious fake.

Anonymous said...

true, but let's remember bush also supports the death penalty. just because he is consistent doesn't mean he is any more in line with catholic teachings.

kerry and bush are both completely non-catholic, IMO.

Anonymous said...

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